Ep. 124: Radio Revue- Jack Benny keeps us in… SUSPENSE!

A Special Radio Revue quadruple bill followed by a special conversation from the 4th Annual Jack Benny Convention

Zach and Ballyhoo pal Keith Scott (Historian, Voice Artist, Leading Citizen of Frostbite Falls Minnesota) sit down and engage in the work of Mr. Jack Benny on radio’s premiere drama program, SUSPENSE!

After a presentation of Jack’s four appearances on Suspense, Zach and Keith will sift through each story with observations of Jack’s dramatic capability, the impact of the supporting players, and learn some neat stories from behind the scenes of the episodes presented.

PLUS: Gene Roddenberry owes Suspense some money

To follow more from the Jack Benny convention, check out the official YouTube page of the International Jack Benny Fan Club
Be sure to pick up Keith’s book, CARTOON VOICES OF THE GOLDEN AGE VOL. 1 and VOL. 2. Now Available from Bear Manor Media and wherever you get your books!

Bear Manor Links-
Vol. 1: https://bearmanor-digital.myshopify.com/products/cartoon-voices-of-the-golden-age-1930-70-vol-1-paperback?_pos=4&_sid=2f81d0040&_ss=r
Vol. 2: https://bearmanor-digital.myshopify.com/products/cartoon-voices-of-the-golden-age-vol-2-paperback?_pos=3&_sid=2f81d0040&_ss=r

Amazon Links-
Vol. 1: https://www.amazon.com/Cartoon-Voices-Golden-1930-70-Vol/dp/B0BF5ZRVL4/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1670546369&sr=8-1
Vol. 2: https://www.amazon.com/Cartoon-Voices-Golden-Age-Vol/dp/B0BF2XCJXX/ref=sr_1_2?crid=IOP0HXMJGIBL&keywords=Cartoon+voices+of+the+golden+age&qid=1670546410&sprefix=cartoon+voices+of+the+golden+ag%2Caps%2C288&sr=8-2

and be sure to check out Keith’s website to learn more about his wonderful work in the world of Voice Artistry: https://www.keithscott.com.au/